
I am a regular host of the podcast New Books in Science, Technology, and Society, where my episodes focus on recent works concerning the role of humanistic inquiry in the age of the Anthropocene and the history of science and medicine.

Text Publications

“Botanizing in the Borderlands: The Limits to Science and Reform in Late Colonial Mexico.” In revision for publication in Colonial Latin American Review.

Review of: Daniel Nemser. Infrastructures of Race: Concentration and Biopolitics in Colonial Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2017. Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 2019. 3(1), pp.105–107. DOI:

“Botanizing in the Borderlands,” Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History, Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Autumn 2019.

“Sex, Death, and Atole in the Royal Indian Hospital of Mexico City,” Nursing Clio, June 27, 2018.

“Lizards and the Idea of Mexico,” Nursing Clio, April 12, 2018.

Review of: Orlando Bentancor. The Matter of Empire: Metaphysics and Mining in Colonial Peru. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2017. Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies, 2019. 1(2), pp. 9–11.

“Memory, History and Activism on the U.S.-Mexico Border: An Exchange with Luisa Passerini,” History Workshop Journal Online, January 2011