
The primary assignment for this course is to create a storymap that combines our readings and discussions, analyses of historical sources, and personal experiences (see: General Instructions ). I hope that you will find this both intellectually stimulating and at least a little fun. My intention is for you to have enough time to experiment and play around with this format. That said, I know all of you come to this course with varied computer skills. Therefore, I will not grade your work for its technical proficiency or aesthetic beauty; instead, your grade will reflect the effort that you put into interpreting and integrating the various elements and especially the improvement you show with revisions.

The the site we are using to build our storymaps is called ArcGIS (which is famous for its mapping software). You do not need to and should not establish an account or your own user login for ArcGIS. Instead, I have already established a login for you, which you can always find on your group’s homepage on Canvas.

A storymap is similar to to a blog or a WordPress site, but it is one that forefronts geography, visuals, and narrative flow.

ArcGIS StoryMaps is capable of much more than I can cover. I do encourage you to explore the possibilities (see here). But again, all that is expected of you is a simple, bare-bones storymap.

Use these links (in this order) for instructions on the basic tools you will want to use.